Sometimes standard buoys don’t quite make the cut with more challenging specifications. Buoys around the world are increasingly being used for more specialist purposes such as data collection, beyond the more common uses such as aids to navigation and mooring.
Corilla Marine offers an expert design consultancy service to help customers create designs that perfectly meet more complex requirements – for any type of buoy. Working with a manufacturer with in-house design resource means a better understanding of the manufacturing process and performance of materials, ultimately resulting in a more efficient design process and robust final product.
Why Corilla Marine?
- Bespoke designs – we can create designs that incorporate any ancillaries or unique requirements outlined by specifications.
- Buoys of any size – all of our buoys are rotationally moulded in modular structures which means we can make buoys of virtually any size.
- Over 30 years’ experience – Corilla Marine has a wealth of experience in the design and manufacture of a range of buoys – we’re proud to have produced the world’s first plastic buoy back in 1986.
- Deployment of buoys globally – from the UK as far as Argentina, Corilla Marine has produced buoys that have been shipped to over 17 countries, take a look for yourself.
- Buoys that stand the test of time – our plastic buoys are designed to be robust, the structures and materials boast a number of benefits.
Get in touch to learn more about our design consultancy service and see how we can help you design and manufacture buoys that fulfil your exact requirements. Email or call us on +44 1656 870415.